150 Oromo Names With The Meaning For Boys

oromo boys names

Names of Oromos: Meanings and Origins

Oromo names are made up from the following aspects:

* Inferred names

* Physical features at birth

* Behavioral features at birth

* Names of animals

* Names associated with farming work

* Names associated with farming inputs

* Names of plants

* Amount of cattle owned

* Names referring to the season

* Politically related names

* Names of grandfather

* Names of grandmother

* Names of great grandparents

* Names of Oromo’s days of the month

* Names of birthdays

* Names that show the emotion of happiness

* Names of the place one is born

* Names of trees

* Name of twins

* Name of clans

According to historian Dawne Harrison, a man named Oromo began the lineage of the Oromo people. His youngest son’s name was Bareentuma. The following are 150 Oromo names with their meaning for boys:

1. Abdii

One with hope.

2. Araara

Peaceful or to reconcile.

3. Araarso

Peaceful or to reconcile.

4. Araarsa

Peaceful or to reconcile.

5. Baati

The moon which symbolizes guidance and strength.

6. Badessa

7. Bakkalcha

A full moon which symbolizes strength and luminosity.

8. Bareentuma/o

According to historical tradition, a man named Oromo began the lineage of the Oromo people. His youngest son’s name was Bareentuma.

9. Beekan

One who is known.

10. Biiflee

Young and quick of mind (this name can be for both girls and boys).

11. Billisaa

12. Biqilee

To grow from strong roots to the height of one’s potential.

13. Biqilsan

To grow from strong roots to the height of one’s potential.

14. Biqilan

To grow from strong roots to the height of one’s potential.

15. Birkii

16. Birmajji

An important name in the history of the Gadaa (Oromo democratic system) tradition.

17. Birraa

Spring season which symbolizes blooming, growing, etc.

18. Birrissa

One who is fast as lightning.

19. Biyyaa

Home or homeland which symbolizes “home is where the heart is”.

20. Biyyoo

Home or homeland which symbolizes “home is where the heart is”.

21. Bohaarsa

One who is very entertaining.

22. Bona

Summer season which symbolizes joy and happiness.

23. Boona

One who is proud.

24. Boorana

According to historical tradition, a man named Oromo began the lineage of the Oromo people. His oldest son’s name was Boorana.

25. Bulluq

The name given to the Odaa (Sycamore) tree which where Oromos traditionally come together.

26. Bultum

The name given to the Odaa (Sycamore) tree which where Oromos traditionally come together.

27. Caala

The cream of the crop or naturally the best of the best.

28. Caalsan

The cream of the crop or naturally the best of the best.

29. Daga

One who never forgets.

30. Dansa

Good hearted and joyful.

31. Daraara

One that grows, blooms, and reaches their full potential.

32. Daraaran

One that grows, blooms, and reaches their full potential.

33. Demiksa

34. Dhugaa

One who is honest and truthful.

35. Dhugooms

One who is honest and truthful.

36. Diinqan

37. Diinqatan

38. Diinqu

39. Dureessa

The one who leads.

40. Eba

41. Eebbisan

One who is blessed.

42. Eeyban

One who is blessed.

43. Elemo

A hero of the Oromos.

44. Faarsi

One who is loved.

45. Faarsan

One who is loved.

46. Faayame

One made beautiful by the Almighty.

47. Falma

One who fights for the truth, an honest being.

48. Falmata

One who fights for the truth, an honest being.

49. Fayyisaa

One who is healthy and lives a long life.

50. Fileera

One who is chosen. The chosen one.

51. Firomsaa

One who is relatable and easy to get close to.

52. Gadaa

Leadership or the Oromo democratic form of governance.

53. Galaan

The river, which symbolizes bounty and fulfillment.

54. Galataa

One who is thankful.

55. Galma

One who unifies or gathers all together.

56. Gammachu

Joy, happiness.

57. Gammada

One who is happy.

58. Gameda

One who is happy.

59. Garaakoo

The stomach, which according to Oromo tradition symbolizes the heart.

60. Goota

One who symbolizes heroism.

61. Guddataa

One who grows.

62. Gudina

63. Gulantaa

64. Hamilan

To be morally positive.

65. Hamiltan

To be morally positive.

66. Hamilee

To be morally positive.

67. Harxummaa

A historically known place in the northern part of Oromia.

68. Hayyuu

69. Heeran

One who is polite, elegant, gentle and conducts his affairs properly.

70. Hegeree

One who has a good future ahead of them.

71. Hirba

72. Horo

One who will multiply, symbolizes fertility.

73. Humnaa

One who espouses strength and bravery.

74. Hundee

Symbolizes the importance of strong roots.

75. Ibsaa

One who is bright.

76. Ifaa

Luminosity, light, or what shines in nature.

77. Injifannoo

One who has won.

78. Irbuu

One who promises. This is held in high esteem according to Oromo tradition.

79. Irree

Courageous and resilient.

80. Jalatan

One who is loved.

81. Jeyna

One who is strong physically and mentally.

82. Ji’aa

The moon which symbolizes guidance and strength.

83. Jiraanne

One with longevity or long life.

84. Jiraa

One with longevity or long life.

85. Jirata

86. Kiyyaa

Mine – According to Oromo tradition, when a child is born it belongs to the nation.

87. Keeysan

Yours - According to Oromo tradition, when a child is born it belongs to the nation.

88. Keenya

Ours - According to Oromo tradition, when a child is born it belongs to the nation.

89. Kumaaol

One who has it all or to be more than abundant.

90. Kumalaa

One who has it all or to be more than abundant.

91. Kumaa

One who has it all or to be more than abundant.

92. Labuu

93. Leellisaa

One who shines bright.

94. Leenca

Lion which symbolizes strength and never giving up.

95. Lencho

Lion which symbolizes strength and never giving up.

96. Lubbukoo

My soul.

97. Magariisa

Green which symbolizes wealth, growth, etc. and is also held in high esteem according to Oromo tradition.

98. Magarroo

Green which symbolizes wealth, growth, etc. and is also held in high esteem according to Oromo tradition.

99. Magarsaa

One who is prosperous and growing.

100. Melbaa

An important name in Gadaa (Oromo democratic system) history.

101. Meyraa

Green which symbolizes wealth, growth, etc. and is also held in high esteem according to Oromo tradition.

102. Meiga

103. Miidhagsan

One who looks good, handsome.

104. Milkii

One who is successful.

105. Milkeeyssa

One who is successful.

106. Mirqaanan

One who is always cheerful.

107. Mohanne

One who is victorious.

108. Mooti

The king or royalty.

109. Moti

The king or royalty.

110. Murti

One who is decisive.

111. Murteessa

One who is decisive.

112. Nabee

A name given to the Odaa (sycamore) tree, which symbolizes the place where Oromos traditionally gathered.

113. Naa’if

The light for me.

114. Nandagin

Forget me not as I shall remember you too.

115. Neissa

116. Negasu

117. Obsaa

One who is patient.

118. Obsan

One who is patient.

119. Obsa

One who is patient.

120. Obsi

One who is patient.

121. Qalbisaan

One who is thoughtful.

122. Qeero

Tiger which symbolizes youth and speed.

123. Raasaa

Open space which symbolizes one with an open heart and mind.

124. Rabbirra

One chosen by God.

125. Rabbii

One chosen by God.

126. Risaa

Eagle which symbolizes great eyesight and one who can build a future.

127. Rooba

Rain which symbolizes prosperity, wealth, and growth.

128. Roobsan

Rain which symbolizes prosperity, wealth, and growth.

129. Roobe

Rain which symbolizes prosperity, wealth, and growth.

130. Roobeera

Rain which symbolizes prosperity, wealth, and growth.

131. Sadoo

132. Siindagu

Forget me not as I shall remember you too.

133. Siinmalee

To live without them is impossible.

134. Sirreessa

One to sets things right.

135. Sirreessan

One to set things right.

136. Sooran

137. Soora

138. Soori

139. Tarsiimoo

140. Tolfamee

One who was created by God.

141. Tolessa

142. Tujii

143. Waaran

144. Waaqarra

One chosen by God.

145. Waaqa

One chosen by God.

146. Waka

Supreme God.

147. Waari

148. Waario

149. Waysira

150. Yadeta