140 Oromo Names With The Meaning For Girls

oromo girls names

Names of Oromos: Meanings and Origins

Any name, even something like Cindy Jo Snow, can be packed with meaning. Oromo names are made up from the following aspects:

* Inferred names

* Physical features at birth

* Behavioral features at birth

* Names of animals

* Names associated with farming work

* Names associated with farming inputs

* Names of plants

* Amount of cattle owned

* Names referring to the season

* Politically related names

* Names of grandfather

* Names of grandmother

* Names of great grandparents

* Names of Oromo's days of the month

* Names of birthdays

* Names that show the emotion of happiness

* Names of the place one is born

* Names of trees

* Name of twins

* Name of clans

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The following are 140 Oromo names with their meaning for girls:

1. Aansi

One who is close to you.

2. Abadan

One who is never without you.

3. Annanee

Milk which is valued highly in Oromo tradition.

4. Amene

5. Araari

One who brings peace and is at peace.

6. Arkani

One who can be seen from far.

7. Atinaaf

You belong to me.

8. Ayyantu

One who is always fortunate/lucky.

9. Baati

Moon which symbolizes luminosity or being bright.

10. Bayssa

11. Bifani

One that is beautiful.

12. Biftu

Sunshine which symbolizes shining naturally bright.

13. Biiflee

One with a quick mind and youthful.

14. Bilillee

According to Oromo history, it is the name of a beautiful Oromo woman who once lived.

15. Bilisee


16. Biqiltuu

One who grows from strong roots to the height of their potential.

17. Bikeltu

18. Birillee

The center point of a bright light which symbolizes significance and rarity.

19. Boharsitu

One who brings joy and entertainment.

20. Boonsine

One who is proud and is a pride to others.

21. Boonani

One who is proud and is a pride to others.

22. Boontu

One who is proud and is a pride to others.

23. Booni

One who is proud and is a pride to others.

24. Boone

One who is proud and is a pride to others.

25. Boonsitu

One who is proud and is a pride to others.

26. Bosonee

Rainforest which symbolizes strong roots and abundance.

27. Caaltu

Being the best of the best.

28. Chaaltu

Being the best of the best.

29. Caali

Being the best of the best.

30. Chaali

Being the best of the best.

31. Calalaqii

32. Calaqsan

33. Carraa

34. Charraa

35. Dagalee

The bond that unites.

36. Dansitu

One that is joyful and pleasant to be with.

37. Dansoole

One that is joyful and pleasant to be with.

38. Dawwi


39. Dawwatan


40. Dinqii

One who is amazing.

41. Dinqisee

One who is amazing.

42. Dinqisiiftu

One who is amazing.

43. Dirribe

44. Dumbushee

One who is adorable or cute.

45. Dureetti

One who is wealthy.

46. Dursinee

One who is always first.

47. Eebbisee

One who is blessed.

48. Elellaan

Decorative shells used traditionally by Oromo’s, symbolizes beauty.

49. Faantoli

One who has a happy life ahead of them.

50. Faaya

Artistically exquisite beauty.

51. Faayo

Artistically exquisite beauty.

52. Faayani

Artistically exquisite beauty.

53. Fayyisee

One with long life or longevity.

54. Feenet

One who is liked.

55. Feenan

One who is liked.

56. File


57. Filan

The chosen one.

58. Fileera

The chosen one.

59. Firaanbooni

One who is proud of their family.

60. Gadisse

61. Garaatoo

Stomach which symbolizes the heart in the Oromo language.

62. Goobane

Moon shaped symbolizing strength and guidance.

63. Gudetu

64. Hawwi

To wish, wishful thinking, wishing.

65. Hawwani

To wish, wishful thinking, wishing.

66. Hawwineet

To wish, wishful thinking, wishing.

67. Hawwinee

To wish, wishful thinking, wishing.

68. Hawwinaan

To wish, wishful thinking, wishing.

69. Hilani

70. Hiree

71. Ifanii

One who illuminates brightly.

72. Iftu

One who shines brightly.

73. Ijakoo

My eye, my everything.

74. Jaalatani

One who is loved.

75. Jaalanne

One who is loving.

76. Jeeynitti

One who is heroic.

77. Jiruu

Meaning life or my life.

78. Kookeeti

What is mine is yours.

79. Kullani

A unique plant that is traditionally important for Oromo’s.

80. Kuulle

A unique plant that is traditionally important for Oromo’s.

81. Kumii

One that lacks nothing and has everything in abundance.

82. Kumee

One that lacks nothing and has everything in abundance.

83. Kumalee

One that lacks nothing and has everything in abundance.

84. Lagashan

Name given to a river in Oromia.

85. Lalistu

A musical and joyful person.

86. Leellisan

A musical and joyful person.

87. Lellisee

A musical and joyful person.

88. Lammi

One who belongs.

89. Laancaa

Long grass, symbolizing strong roots and growth.

90. Leelloo

Something special that is admired.

91. Leensa

One who is always seen.

92. Lubbuu

One who is heartfelt and soulful.

93. Maashoo

A type of light that is held with high esteem within Oromo culture, it also symbolizes guidance and luminosity.

94. Madaalan

One who is unique or specific.

95. Magalle

Dark brown or black which is a highly prized skin tone in Oromo culture.

96. Marsani

One who will always be around and is protective.

97. Meeto

According to Oromo tradition, Oromo had two sons Boorana and Bareentuma, their mothers name was Meeto.

98. Meetti

99. Mi’eessan

One who is endearing or sweet.

100. Miyeessan

One who is endearing or sweet.

101. Midhaaydu

One who is beautiful.

102. Migritu

103. Mii’oytuu

One who exudes innocence and is sweet.

104. Mii’a

One who exudes innocence and is sweet.

105. Mijuu

Oromo cultural milk drink that is prepared and drank during weddings.

106. Mirkanii

One who has confidence in themselves.

107. Mirkaneeysan

One who has confidence in themselves.

108. Mirqee

One that is full of energy and pleasant to be with.

109. Mirqani

One that is full of energy and pleasant to be with.

110. Mona

111. Momina

112. Naadura

Meaning: you are my first.

113. Naafaaye

Meaning: you were created beautifully for me.

114. Naafi

Belonging to me.

115. Naafis

You belong to me.

116. Naahili

117. Naalubbu

My soul.

118. Naanaati

One who is goodhearted and feels emotion for all.

119. Naanahi

One who is goodhearted and feels emotion for all.

120. Naanahan

One who is goodhearted and feels emotion for all.

121. Naannooyye

A cultural Oromo hairstyle given to girls of a certain age.

122. Naasabbata

You are my sabbatta (a traditional belt worn by Oromo women) which symbolizes the bond of mother and child.

123. Naasi’uume

You were made for me.

124. Naasihi

You and I together make one.

125. Naataate

She belongs to me and is ideal for me.

126. Nabira

You are close to me.

127. Naanti

You are close to me.

128. Nadhii

The reason honey is sweet.

129. Nalaali

130. Nadawwii

131. Nehi

132. Onneetoo

The dearest one to me, my heart and love.

133. Qalbisee

One who is careful and alert.

134. Qananii

One who is prized highly and cared for.

135. Qanxuu

One who is playful yet to the point.

136. Qantuu

One who is playful yet to the point.

137. Sifile

I chose you.

138. Sinaaf

I belong to you.

139. Temara

140. Warke