Useful Phrases in the Amharic Language

languages of ethiopia

Ethiopian Languages - Amharic

The best method to learn Amharic FAST


e': as in the 'a' in halo

ai: like gait

ie: like lie

o': in between the 'oa' in boat and 'au' in haul.

g: like the 'g' in gail

kw: like 'q' in quick

ny: like the 'ni' in onion

ethiopian amharic alphabets

Ethiopian Amharic Alphabets

Common Phrases and Useful Words in Amharic

Hello. (formal) Tena yistilign.

Hello. (informal) Selam.

Hello. (informal between friends) Halo.

How are you? (respectful to elder) Dehina newot?

How are you (informal, to a man) Endemin-neh?

How are you (informal, to a woman) Endemin-nesh?

Fine, thank you. Dehna negn.

What is your name? (to a man) Simeh man naw?

What is your name? (to a woman) Simish man naw?

My name is ______ . Sime ______ yibalal.

Pleased to meet you. siletewaweqin dess belognal.

Please. Ebakih. (to a man)

Please. Ebakish. (to a woman)

Thank you (very much). (Betam) ahmesugenalew.

You're welcome. Minem Aydelem. (meaning 'no problem' )

Yes. awo.

No. aye; aydelem.

OK. ishi

Excuse me. (getting attention) Yiqirta.

Excuse me. Do you have a minute Yiqirta, anda gazay

Excuse me. (begging pardon) Yiqirta.

I'm sorry. Yiqirta.

I don't understand. Algebinem.

Goodbye Dehna hun. (to a man)

Goodbye Dehna hugni. (to a woman)

Goodbye (informal) Ciao. (Taken from Italian)

I can't speak name of language [well]. Amarinya alchillim.

Do you speak English? Englizegna tichilaleh? (to a man)

Do you speak English? Englizegna tichiyalesh? (to a woman)

Is there someone here who speaks English? Englizegna michel sew aleh/alew?

Help! 'erdata! ( erdu'y )

I'm sick. AhMOINyal. tam'malhu

Good morning. Dehna aderk (to a young man): Dehna aderu (Elderly man/ more formal)

Good morning. Dehna adersh (to a woman): Dehna aderu (Elderly woman/ more formal)

Good morning. Dehna aderachu ( more than one person)

Good evening. ( melkam meshe't ( for one and more than one persons )

Good night. Dehna der.(to a man)

Good night. Dehna deree (to a woman)

I don't understand. Algebagnem.

Where is the toilet? Shintabet yet new?


Leave me alone. tewugn or likekugn

Don't touch me! atinkagn (M), atinkign (F)

I'll call the police. police etaralew!

I need your help. erdagn (M) erjign (F)

Medical emergency AsCHekuway Hikimina

I'm lost. tefaw

I lost my bag/suitcase. sahantaye tefa

I lost my wallet. borsaye tefa

I'm sick. amognial

I've been injured. tegodichalew

I need a doctor. hakim efelgalew

Can I use your phone? silkihin ande litekem?(M): silkishin ande litekem?(F)


Where is the.?:

Airport: awroplan marefiyaw

Bus station: awtoboos tabiyaw

City centre: mehal ketemaw

Train station: babur tabiyaw

What time does the________arrive/leave?: ________mechea yidersal/yinesal?

Boat: jelba

Bus: awtoboos

Car: mekina

Train: babur

Around Town

Where is a/the.?: ____________ yeat no?

How do I get to.?: wede___________e'ndeat e'headallo'?

Bank: bank

Hotel: hotel

Market: gebya

Post office: posta beat

ethiopian amharic alphabets

Ethiopian Amharic Alphabets


Breakfast: kurs

Lunch: me'sa

Dinner: e'rat

Bread: dabbo

Salad: selata

Soup: merek

Water: wuha

Milk: wetet

Tea: shai

Coffee: buna

Sugar: se'kuar


1: ande

2: hulett

3: sost

4: arat

5: ame'st

6: se'de'st

7: sebat

8: se'me'nt

9: zetegn

10: asse'r

10 = Aser

11 = Asra-and

12 = Asra-hoolet

20 = Haya

21 = Haya-and

30 = Selasa

40 = Arba

50 = Hamsa

60 = Silsa

70 = Seba

80 = Semanya

90 = ZeTena

100 = Meto

200 = Hoolet-meto

300 = Sost-meto

1000 = Shee

2000 = Hoolet-shee

Time, Days, Months, Colors in Amharic

The easiest way to learn


The day starts at 1 se'at ke tewatu(in the morning) = 7am

2 se'at = 8am

3 se'at = 9am

4 se'at = 10am

5 se'at = 11am

6 se'at = 12pm

7 se'at = 1pm

8 se'at = 2pm

9 se'at = 3pm

10 se'at = 4pm

11 se'at = 5pm

12 se'at = 6pm

1 se'at ke'mishitu (in the evening) = 7pm

2 se'at = 8pm

3 se'at = 9pm

4 se'at = 10pm

5 se'at = 11pm

6 se'at ke'lelitu (in the night) = 12am

7 se'at = 1am

8 se'at = 2am

9 se'at = 3am

10 se'at = 4am

11 se'at = 5am

12 se'at = 6am


Sunday = Ehood

Monday = Segno

Tuesday = Maksegno

Wednesday = Erob

Thursday = Hamoos

Friday = Arb

Saturday = Kedame


September = Meskerem

October = Tikimt

November = Hidar

December = Tahisas

January = Tir

February = Yekatit

March = Megabit

April = Miyaziya

May = Ginbot

June = Senie

July = Hamle

August = Nehasie

Puagme = last month of the year with only five days


Black = Tiqoor

White = NeCH

Red = Qey

Blue = Semayawi

Green = Arengwade

Yellow = BiCHa

Brown = Buni/Buna'ma

Purple = WeynTej

Pink = Rose

Orange = Bertukan

Baby blue = Wuhama semayawi

Dark blue = DemaQ semayawi

Directions and Other Useful Amharic Words

Fast way to learn Amharic


Right = qeyn

Left = g'era

Straight ahead = QeTita menged

Opposite = TeQarani/Feet'lefeet

Adjacent = ATegeb/Gon

Turn left = wede g'ra taTef(to a guy)/taTefi(to a girl)/taTefu (to more than one person or to an elderly)

Turn right = wede Qegn taTef(to a guy)/taTefi(to a girl)/taTefu (to more than one person or to an elderly)

lonely planet ethiopian amharic phrasebook

Ethiopian Phrase Book

Other Useful Words

How much? (money) Sint new?

Bread: dabo

Curry: wot

Meat: siga

Chicken: doro

Vegetable: ataklt

Spicy: qmemama

Mild: aletcha

Coffee shop: bunna bet

I am a vegetarian: Siga albelam ("I don't eat meat")

coffee with milk: Buna be'Wetet

Bars: metet bet

Shop: Sook

Leslassa: Soft drink

Amboha: Mineral water

Birra: Beer

Wuha: Water

Shintibait: Toilet

Buna: Coffee

Shai: Tea

Injera: Sour dough pancake

Tela: Local beer

Tej: Honey wine

Chiger yellem: No problem